Development Corner

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Search Updates
Posted on Wednesday 26th of October 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 568 times • 0 comments

The search system has updated to be (hopefully!) much easier to use. This includes

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Casting Responses
Posted on Wednesday 26th of October 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 503 times • 0 comments

Within the stats area of your casting you will now find a list of any messages related to...

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Casting Statistics
Posted on Thursday 25th of August 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 636 times • 0 comments

As of today, we've started collating more casting statistics. Initially this'll be things like views per day /...

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Media Viewed History
Posted on Friday 20th of May 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 763 times • 0 comments
You can now see a list of the last 100 media items you've viewed within home > who viewed...
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Reference Trends
Posted on Saturday 2nd of April 2022 • 1 minute read • Read 724 times • 0 comments

We've introduced a new graphic on profiles that demonstrates a members trends with respect to references over time....

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Distances in Miles or KM
Posted on Friday 1st of April 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 679 times • 0 comments

Up to now, all distances have been in Miles.

Now, we'll detect what country you're...

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Verified Members Only Privacy Settings
Posted on Friday 1st of April 2022 • 1 minute read • Read 872 times • 0 comments

We pride ourselves on being one of the first online modelling platforms to offer a verification system -...

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Calendar Privacy
Posted on Friday 1st of April 2022 • 0 minute read • Read 577 times • 0 comments

You can now set your calendar to only be viewable by yourself and no one else.


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Gallery Views and Hide from Portfolio
Posted on Thursday 3rd of September 2020 • 1 minute read • Read 2457 times • 0 comments

2 of the most popular requests I receive are:

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Unplayable Videos
Posted on Saturday 25th of April 2020 • 1 minute read • Read 1469 times • 0 comments

When a video is uploaded to AdultFolio, it's run through a process to turn the video into 3...

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Unified Inbox
Posted on Tuesday 14th of April 2020 • 1 minute read • Read 1198 times • 0 comments

So, i've been doing some analysis and it didn't surprise me that the inbox is the third most...

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Refer a Friend, Earn a Fiver
Posted on Sunday 5th of April 2020 • 1 minute read • Read 1612 times • 0 comments

Its that simple, for every member you refer to AdultFolio and they're then approved, we'll credit your account...

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Enhanced Video Statistics
Posted on Saturday 28th of March 2020 • 1 minute read • Read 1431 times • 0 comments

Video on AdultFolio is growing significantly - we're now serving around 350 hours of video content every single...

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