Community guidelines & rules

Welcome to the AdultFolio site rules section. All the rules, below, have been split into their relevant sections.
If you'd like clarification on anything, please feel free to email us: [email protected]

Rule Categories

General Rules
Account Rules
Profile Rules
Feedback Rules
Commenting Rules
Photo Rules
Messaging Rules
Forum Rules
Castings Rules
Profile link Rules

General Site Rules

Moderator/staff decisions are final.
AdultFolio staff reserve the right to edit/remove site content as they see fit, or to fit in with the Terms and Conditions
You may not directly copy any content from this website for inclusion in any other publication in any form
If you quote from any other source, a link is required to that source
No profanity/swearing may be used, for any reason
Linking to AdultFolio competitors is not allowed.
Treat other members and staff with respect and offer courtesy. If you can't say anything in a civilised manner then do not say anything at all.
No spamming
Do not criticise staff decisions publically. If you have an issue, contact us
Abuse/signing up fake accounts under the "Refer-a-friend" promotion is strictly prohibited
Any action(s) on or off site that may potentially bring the reputation of the site or its members into disrepute may result in account suspension or termination
Unless using the AdultFolio escrow system, AdultFolio are not able to arbitrate in disputes centered around deposits or payments, including the refund of such. These agreements are considered private agreements between yourself and the other party.

Account Rules

We reserve the right to reject accounts of those who sign up 3 or more accounts.
We do not allow joint accounts
Your account may only be accessed and used by you. No sharing of accounts.
You may not offer, request or cast for work that is not in line with your account type - for example - models may not cast as a photographer.
No editing/cropping techniques designed to deliberately hide the model/subjects identity
You must be 18 or over to join AdultFolio
Usernames must not contain URL's, email addresses, contact numbers or any other form of contact information
Usernames must be professional and appropriate
Usernames must not controvene any other rules relating to content on AdultFolio
Your supplied email address must be valid, monitored and it must be your own email address. If any of our emails to you are bounced back, your account may be suspended until you resolve the issue.
You may not advertise yourself as a modelling agency, casting agency or scout of any form.
As a minimum criteria, accounts must have: a profile photo, 4 approved media items, an email address, an appropriate username and filled in profile info. If any of this is missing, the account may be deactivated or removed without further notice.
We reserve the right to suspend, ban or permanently delete your account without warning or right to appeal.

Profile Rules

If you are not a paid member, you are not allowed to display any form of contact information (including, but not limited to phone numbers, email addresses and BBM Pins), nor are you allowed to display website addresses
Your profile must have a profile photo
You may not attempt to insert any form of coding into your "About Me", including - but not limited to - html and CSS.
You may not offer or advertise work for webcam models or escorts.
Your profile information must be as complete as possible. Incomplete profiles may be removed
References are strictly limited to the referencing system. Your About Me may not be used to provide references for other people, or copied from elsewhere about yourself

Feedback Rules

If leaving negative feedback about a cancelled shoot, you may only leave feedback if the person cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.
Any feedback you leave must not be derogatory, and must be entirely factual.
We reserve the right to delete or suspend any account without notice that receives 3 or more negative feedback, or members that are left 2 or more negative feedback which were both left for the same reason
You may only leave feedback for a member if:
  • · You've either worked for them
  • · You've confirmed a shoot which they no-showed or cancelled less than 24 hours before the shoot was due to begin.
  • · The member has behaved inappropriately or unprofessionally on or during a photoshoot
In the event of you leaving negative feedback for any form of unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour, we reserve the right to request supporting evidence.
Negative no-show or late cancellation references are only valid for shoots arranged via our networks. For a shoot to be deemed as arranged, we must seen evidence via on-site messaging that a date, time, location, remuneration, and levels have been mutually agreed.

Commenting Rules

Any form of abusive comment(s) will not be tolerated
Comments may not be used to solicit contact with other members, or to provide them with external contact details
Photo comments may be constructive comments about that photo, they may not be used as a way to bypass the 5 message limit rule for free members.
Comments should not be crude or rude in nature
If the uploader of an image is not the photographer, please try to keep any constructive criticism about the modelling and not the technical aspects of the image

Photo Rules

Photos you upload must be modelling photos, or self portraits.
If of you, the photo must represent you appropriately and professionally, for example, no drunk/clubbing photos.
Photos may not use editing techniques designed to hide a models identity, such as "swirling" or black-boxing.
Models may only upload images of themselves. If the image contains multiple persons, a remark should be added noting which person in the image you are
We do not accept selfie images
By uploading a photo, you confirm you either own the copyright to the photo, or have presentable written permission/usage license from the copyright holder. Failure to provide proof of ownership or usage license may result in suspension or termination.
Photographers may only upload photos they've taken, unless it is a photo of the photographer for which they have permission to upload.
Modelling or posed photos only.
Photos must be no less than 600pixels on the longest side.
AI media may only be uploaded by Digital Artist accounts
You may not upload photos of persons under the age of 18

Messaging Rules

Abuse of the messaging system may result in account suspension. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming and messages of an offensive nature
Members may only be contacted about work styles they have listed on their profile. Level pushing will result in immediate account removal
No time-wasting. If you're not interested in doing a shoot, say so.

Forum Rules

If a topic becomes a debate, you can debate the subject but not the intellect of other users, this includes calling users derogatory names or being rude to other users.
Do not post how you find a thread or user childish, boring or stupid. If you have a problem with a thread or post, use the "report post" feature.
Please respect the opinions of others and choose your words wisely. Each user has their own point of view, and these views must be respected.
Please post your thread in the relevant forum. Please familiarize yourself with the forum descriptions so you know which forum to post your thread in.
You can bump your thread once every 24 hours. You can only bump your thread if it has had no (zero) replies to your opening post.
If your thread is locked, do not post the same thread again without permission from a moderator.
If a topic becomes a debate, you can debate the subject but not the intellect of other users, this includes calling users derogatory names or being rude to other users.
Please make your thread title as descriptive as possible. Examples of bad topic titles include: "Please Help", "My Portfolio", "A photoshoot"
Spend time composing and writing your post, avoid short replies such as "Cool!", "I agree!" and try to add your own viewpoint and/or opinion to the topic.
These forums are discussion forums, therefore if you post news, rumours, press releases or links - please give your own opinion too.
If you feel a topic or post breaks one of our rules, then please report the post. We may not delete the post or topic, if this is the case we will email you with a reason as to why we left it.
If a topic becomes a debate, you can debate the subject but not the intellect of other users, this includes calling users derogatory names or being rude to other users.
If you are reporting a post because it is a duplicate, please link us to both the original thread and the one you are reporting.
Please do not misuse or abuse the post reporting feature. It may take us up to 24 hours for us to reply to your report. If you do not receive a reply after 48 hours, feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected]

Classified Forum Rules

All buying and selling must take place in the Classifieds forums, and no other forum sections.
You can only sell items that you own, and are legal to sell in the UK. You may not sell items for a friend, co-worker, family member etc, and you may not sell software, livestock/animals, weapons or imitation weapons. This list may be edited at any time with no notice, and changes will apply to threads posted before the update as well as threads after..
The item must actually be for sale. No gauging interest threads.
Commercial sellers *must* contact us before offering their product or services for sale, and can only trade using an account that has been upgraded to "TopMembership" and must remain upgraded whilst their product/service is for sale.
Your opening post must contain:
If the product is for sale, a price
The condition of the item (new, used..)
Any known defects and/or damage
Thread title formatting must follow the following structure:
If an item is for sale: "For sale:"
If an item is for trade: "For trade:"
If looking for an item: "Wanted:"
No dibbing/reserving.
You may "bump" once every 48 hours. This overrides the 24 hour bump rule set out on the site rules page.
Once your product has been sold/traded, or you've found the product you were looking for, please add a final post simply stating "Sold", "Traded" or "Found". We will then lock the thread.

Castings Rules

Castings advertising adult work, must be marked as such
If you're not a paid member, you cannot post your email address, URL's or any other contact information
You may not post castings on behalf of other companies
Members on the free package can only post 2 castings at a time.
Castings remuneration must be filled in
You may not cast for self-shot images
Deleting and reposting an identical casting without good reason is prohibited

Competition Rules

Images may not be entered into consecutive competitions
Images entered into Image of the Week must be new uploads, and may not be reuploaded images

Profile Linking Rules

No linking to websites promoting banned services (e.g. escorting)
No linking to websites promoting piracy or copyright theft
Links containing nudity, adult content or NSFW content must be marked as such

AdultFolio rules are subject to change without notice, and any changes will be effective immediately.

We reserve the right to reject any sexually explicit photos, regardless of whether they meet these rules.
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