The Cult of youth.

Viewed 496 times
Started 2020-07-14T15:32:00+00:00
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I used to have a theory about male sexual interest that went roughly like this.

When you are 14 you fancy girls who are the same age as you, maybe slightly younger than you  and about 5 to 10 years older than you.

As you get older, the lower end of the scale rises and the upper end rises with it.

Then there comes a time, perhaps in your 30s, when you start to realise that the upper end of the scale can rise further, expanding the age range of women that are fanciable.
I emphasise I am saying fanciable, not necessarily attainable.

While the lower end of fanciable rises, it does so slowly and the upper end rises more quickly until upper end age becomes totally meaningless. What matters is the person and the individual appearance. Not the implications of being a certain age.

I am now very, very old...
No I am not I am just a lot older than I was when I wasn't. If you see what I mean!

I now find that I can be attracted to women of many different age groups (though still not very keen on the under 25s) and am able to appreciate what is there. Rather than regretting what is not.

Comments from all types of member (woops! Ooer, matron) very welcome

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