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Feedback from our members...
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Having been a member of Adultfolio I can honestly say that I have only ever had a positive experience. I have met many interesting models and exchanged views with many photographers, this has helped me to gain experience and improved my photography skills considerably.
This is a real community unlike many of the other photography/model websites where they seem to be set up just for a select few pals and cronies.
I would also like to say that I feel that showing my images here it is the correct and safe environment.
Keep up the good work James!!


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Adult Folio is a fantastic website for photographers, videographers, models and studios to seek each other out. As the name suggest this platform is principally a showcase for more adult genre photography and film work, where members are encouraged to post their work up on to their personal portfolios to gain exposure and future contacts as well as being able to get feedback via the comments section under each posted photo or video.The member search is a great tool to connect to others locally, nationally or internationally. Competitions, ensure a healthy vibe and fun interaction and familiarity between other members. Should any site issues occur, the Adult Folio team are on hand to ensure the site runs smoothly and safely. All in all the best adult photography site around.

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