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I am relatively new to being a freelance model on adultfolio, my main focus on being here is to be able to show artistically that no matter what our age and I bring a mature model that there is beauty in the human body. My experience to date with photographers who I have worked with who are members on this site has been very positive, my working boundaries have been respected and the images that have been captured have been beautiful quality and really lovely works of art.

I think the key to a great experience is to be clear about who you are and what modelling levels you are happy to work to. I love the art of the human body and being a life model as well as a photographic model makes me very comfortable with art nude. I am not that technical but have found it fairly easy to upload images as a non-technical mature individual, which certainly is an important factor.

When working with photographers from my home I try to give them a really memorable shoot. We always sit down prior to shooting over a fresh pot of coffee and discuss the shoot, a great way for a memorable shoot. I personally always like to have a video call prior to setting up a shoot as I feel that this helps to build up a better working relationship between myself the model and the photographer. For me I always hope that the photographer always feels that after shooting with me that the experience was a memorable one and that it gave them the opportunity of producing some beautiful, creative images to share and inspire others.

Bohemia - April 2024

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Adultfolio is a one stop shop for models and photographers which is rich in information and advice for professionals and amateurs alike.

You can write reviews on people you work with on Adultfolio giving others an idea of how these people conduct themselves and also if they fit the type of work you are looking for, because of the vast amount of members its also a great site for networking.

Casting your shoot is another option given to members which gives you maximum coverage to people with the same interests, as adult photography/model sites go I personally think this is second to none.

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